Spiritual Dementia: Who are You?

“Who are you?” My mother-in-law looked at me intently. “You go with Russell, right?”


The same thing happened with the kids. Following surgery, meds aggravated my mother-in-law’s dementia. She couldn’t stay by herself, so we took shifts. My daughter came to Granny’s apartment for her turn. All was fine when I left.

Two hours later—chaos. Granny forgot who her granddaughter was and threatened to call the police to come throw Faith out of the apartment.

Granny forgot who her caregiver was.

And so do we.

That’s why we panic. Fret. Worry.

Because, just like Granny, spiritual dementia makes us forget Who is there and why.

And just who is He?

The list of the names of God is long, but here are a few from Isaiah 9:6 (NIV): Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

So, who is He to you? Abba? Healer? Comforter? How have you experienced God?

Keep track of it and when the butterflies flutter or panic launches a full-scale attack, go to your Strong Tower, your Fortress, your Defender.

And remember.


Do you panic when something happens?

Do you fret over change?

Do you worry about what might happen?


What three names or characteristics of God would you like to experience? Begin praying about them.


Granny forgot who her caregiver was. And so do we. And we panic. Fret. Worry. Click To Tweet
Just like Granny, spiritual dementia makes us forget Who is there and why. Click To Tweet
So, who is He to you? Click To Tweet
When the butterflies begin to flutter or panic launches a full-scale attack, go to your Strong Tower, your Fortress, your Defender. Click To Tweet

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