Pain You Can Trust

“Wounds from a friend can be trusted.” Proverbs 27:6 (NIV)

Wounds and friendship. They don’t appear to go together. Friends comfort when someone else hurts us.

Friends encourage.

Build up.

But wound?

Hurts from a friend cut deeply. We don’t expect pain to come from a friend. We feel betrayed. Let down. Anything but friendly.

Yet, there it is in Scripture.

Wounds and friendship.

Not only do they appear together, the writer tells us such wounds can be trusted—and I don’t think the writer is just talking about friends.

I think he’s talking about God.

Because I have this expectation that if I keep my nose clean spiritually, everything will be okay for me, my family, my little corner of the world.

God’s in control, right? And He would never do anything to hurt me. Wrong.

My husband and I were reflecting one evening. In the past two to three years, we could think of three, even four major events that left us hurting. Not just scrapes, but serious wounds ranging from a bad sprain to gaping gashes.

Job loss. A parent with dementia. Issues with children.

Big stuff.

Major changes.

But—God used each one to move us from one spot to another. To spark a transition we would not have made on our own.

And now, we see fruit.

Incredible, beautiful, sweet, delicious fruit.

And healing.

Accomplished through pain. Heartache. Wounds.

Why does God choose to work this way? God used pain to touch us, to teach us, to move us.

Ok—smash us, hammer us, and bludgeon us in some cases.

But, again, God allowed the pain.

And then He redeemed it and made something beautiful.

God wastes nothing. He catches every tear. He hears every cry.

Trust His wounds.


How do you feel when God allows pain?

Do you feel betrayed?

Has God redeemed your pain?

Will you trust His wounds?


Wounds and friendship. Not only do they appear together, such wounds can be trusted. Click To Tweet
I don’t think the writer is just talking about friends. I think he’s talking about God. Click To Tweet
God used pain to move us from one spot to another. Click To Tweet
God allowed the pain. He redeemed it and made something beautiful. Click To Tweet
Fruit and healing were accomplished through pain and heartache. Click To Tweet
Trust His wounds. Click To Tweet

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